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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

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if that doesn't make you smile, you are a cold, heartless bitch, devoid of all feeling and emotion.

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if that doesn't make you think of a papa pitt and a quite preggers ms. jolie storming around barefoot, you have been living in a cave or under a rock or have been in a coma.

damn you, spawn of voigt, for making me want to adopt a small cambodian child... like right now.

i heart you, maddox. you and your mohawk.


At 2:36 PM, July 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh...i've found you and all your secrets!

did you hear that she is also adopting an ethiopian orphan with aids. maybe she will adopt a 23 yeasr old american loser with no job and no goals in life? on top of all that she will seek me out b/c i am too lazy to even ask her to adopt me.

can you guess who this is?
here is another clue:
mwah aha haa haha h

At 3:21 PM, July 06, 2005, Blogger brett said...

yes, i know who you are.

i got your voicemail earlier.

i'm very pleased that i'll be +1 at zump's hitchin'.

...and, dude, if angelina ever met you, she'd totally adopt you. hell, if you weren't older than me, i'd adopt you.

At 11:06 AM, July 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! maybe you should adopt me! is that legal? i think that would really rock everyone's world! i am going to start signing my postings like this:


i have started my own blog on another site. it sucks. try and find it!

At 3:38 PM, July 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think MOST tykes should have mohawks. the girls upstairs from me who just had a kiddo turn his hair into a fauxhawk and its just simply ADORABLE!


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