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Thursday, March 23, 2006

yep, more bullet points.

get over it, you know you like me when i'm listy.
  • moving blows.
  • new apartments don't.
  • my room looks like my closet threw up.
  • i really, really, really want like 4 new pairs of pants - 1 pair of jeans and 3 other for work - but you try finding something that accommodates both a 28 inch waist and 33 inch legs. i'm like a lifesized version of those clowns on stilts at the circus.
  • i effing hate clowns. in the words of ms. bradshaw, "nothing scarier than a clown."
  • it was determined today that i really should investigate becoming a stylist. i can work wonders when dressing a girl.
  • meanwhile, the sweater i am wearing just may be two sizes too small.
  • it's too bad my desk doesn't have space for a picture of molly and i.
  • i need to find a new job because the one i am in would have me working the day after cinco de mayo, the saturday of pride weekend, my birthday, and the saturday of market days. can we say "bogus"?
  • speaking of bogus, the movies i need to go see are only piling up... this makes me a very sad boy.
  • a vacation would certainly pick me up. maybe, just maybe, a visit to see drew is in order. is it warm enough in nyc to wear one of my new bathing suits to the beach?
  • probably not, what with all this talk about some huge hurricane destined to katrina the big apple.
  • i enjoy creating new verbs... especially as infinitives.
  • i still think when faced with a genie i'd wish for infinite wishes then world peace.
  • is there still a ms. america pageant? didn't it air on cmt (country music television) last year? wasn't james denton the host? what a sad, sad era to be ms. america.
  • i should call a plumber. our bathtub simply does not drain as quickly as it should.
  • crack kills.
  • i read some really fucking crazy quote from the killers the other day, but i can't remember where or what exactly it said. if you know what i'm talking about, write me a little ditty with the quote in it please.
  • i've been thinking lately that if i were a newspaper columnist, i'd call my column "the skinny". then each column would give the skinny on something... like a celeb in town or a new restaurant that just opened or how wonderful i am. see, it's funny because i'm rail thin.
  • and you're not.

stream of consciousness owned this post!



At 8:53 AM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Keep your chins up children. The chariots are charging. And in the church of the cherubim and the chatty, the chants that chime are kept in a case."


At 9:18 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger brett said...

ooooo... thank you, mucho!



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