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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

there is something very wrong with you when your job makes you feel bad about being single and you don't work for a dating service.

everyday, i watch countless couples, well parents, achieve something wonderful. while they may not realize just how wonderful it is, i do. everyday, i watch countless parents bring their children to freshmen orientation.
this may not seem any grand, spectacular feat to the lay observer - afterall, it's just orientation - but i see so much more. these people have stayed together and worked together long enough and well enough to get a child, their child, to college. i both hate and love them.

i hate them for making me feel solitary... a party of one. i love them for loving each other and their children that much.

everyday, i watch parents love their children - no matter how fucked up it may look from the outside. everyday, i watch love.

i get paid to watch love.

i'd rather not get paid to make love. couldn't resist.

molly's p.s. - i got your birthday card today. thanks! notice the exclamation point. it is an extreme rarity in my punctuation lexicon. i love that you put the "robin hood" in your name on the outside. oh, silly, silly nottingham. i am so pleased that i will see you when you get back to the states and right before i leave for miami. we shall spend even more time together once i make it back to the midwest from my jaunt in the sunny southeast. however, i must admit i am not incredibly excited about my venture to florida's dangle; i have absolutely no money for this trip. i know frank, adam, and i will have a fantastic time, but i am afraid my willpower may weaken being in a fashion capital like miami. maybe i'll just put my credit card in the complimentary bible at the hotel. you and i both know i won't be using that much on this trip. i guess those gideons had to be good for something.


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