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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

never one to stay down long, i live by the maxim: when they push you down, arch your back.

now that i sound like a power bottom, let's talk about dumping. yes, i'm single again. mmmhm, spoons dumped me yesterday. yep, yesterday was our one-month anniversary. a small tidbit of relationship trivia i think he overlooked. i will admit this stung just a tad.

however, in celebutante fashion, i am not mourning the loss of our potential love, and am, instead, going on a date tonight. self-pity was never a good color on me. yep, just like lohan, i can roll out of the lovebed with one man and into a sleeping bag with another. though the lovebed spoons and i shared was pretty empty considering in a month's time we never slept together. his loss i suppose; not my fault he broke up with me before... well, witnessing some of my better skills firsthand.

tonight's boy du jour is someone i ran into well before spoons. he was a crush at first sight... aka what most people call lust at first sight, but i'm above lusting. lusting is so harlequin novel. crushing is so much more appropriate for my target demographic. anyhow, i saw this t.d.h. (tall, dark, and handsome) out one night with his friends and was too chickenshit to talk to him. now, several weeks later by the grace of friendster, we have once again found each other. oh, friendster, you eternal boon of potential love and nookie.

...and i swear to god on high that my review of "wicked" is forthcoming... i didn't want to post it on the same day that paul posted his - seen here:

i.f.o.t.d. - because of "saved by the bell", i'm afraid that one day i'll get trapped in an elevator and have to deliver a baby. i really don't want to have to chew through an umbilical cord.


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