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Monday, October 31, 2005

today is probably my favorite holiday.

for me, there's something so very cathartic about dressing up in costume and being something else for a day.

however, this year, i haven't felt very festive.

it's just been a little off.

on saturday, while downing beers at the north end, i was asked, "so what're you supposed to be?" as he eyeballed my jeans and sweater combo with a pair of sneakers and some dark-rimmed specs.

my response: "your one-night stand, if you're lucky."

yes, joe was there.
yes, he thought it was funny.
no, i wasn't actually that guy's one-night stand.

today, at work, we had a "haunted pot luck"... yes, i agree that is the, like, stupidest name for our get-together ever. there was nothing haunting about it... other than the bean dip, perhaps.

anyhow, we got goodie bags from our printing company, and in mine, i found the most disturbing candy item i have ever been treated to on halloween.

they're called "gummy fangs", and while i'm certain that they are supposed to be a gelatin mock-up of vampire fangs... they more strongly resemble the vagina dentata.

if you're not familiar with that one, i suggest you google it.
it's sure to be disturbing.

tonight, i'm going to go to the halsted halloween parade. i might wear a costume, though i have no idea what i would dress as.

maybe i'll just hit dollar drinks at hydrate early and be a "drunk mess".

then again, i'm that every time i'm at hydrate.


At 5:10 PM, October 31, 2005, Blogger brett said...

i can'ts be callin' you if i ain't got no digits, chica!

fo' realz!

At 2:39 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger MatthewD said...

i went the 'drunk mess' route

paying for it today!


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