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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

so in a fit of madness, today, i decided that i will probably, most likely be trying to go to law school next fall...

about 20 minutes ago, i registered for the lsat.

notably, one of the hardest entrance exams in the nation, the lsat is a dreadful experience, as described by those few survivors i know...

i'm taking it on december 3.

yep, a test that many people spend months and months preparing for, i will spend just over a month getting ready for...

seems smart to me.

why the fuck do i think i can pull this off?!?


At 5:05 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Oberon said... sucks.......then you die.

At 7:18 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger MatthewD said...

wow! study hard and good luck!

At 9:42 AM, November 02, 2005, Blogger MollyMaureen said...

you will be great! you will be perfect! you will be fantastic!! you will pass and be accepted and then we can promptly marry in a small ceremony by the seaside at which we will pledge our short-termed love and promise never to consumate the marriage and hold hands riding off into the sunset with our respective boyfriends

At 1:20 PM, November 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because in reality, Brett, you'll probably do better on it than most of Ivy bilgewater that I know take it. P.S. We need to talk about marrying wealthy. I think I snagged me one.

At 2:13 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger MollyMaureen said...

Why?! is Drew speaking of marrying someone other then me on your blog where he knows that i will see it? i am crushed...i thought our love would stand the test of time :-) and his homosexuality:-) but apparently i was wrong. i must go a rip up all of his love letters now...

At 2:58 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger Matt S. said...

Brett, think of it this way, you will do well, because your motivation to pass will be that if you do you will not have to go to your horrible job any more. Good luck, study hard!

At 4:02 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger brett said...

thanks for all the well wishing, kids.

i've already started on lsat prep book #1.


now, let's just hope my grades and such from undergrad are good enough to get me into university of chicago and northwestern. eek!


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