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Saturday, November 12, 2005

some of you know.

some of you don't.

this past week, a potential employer came across this website.

needless to say, after perusing its contents, they were no longer interested in interviewing me.

it could be that i mentioned i was slightly interested in going to law school next fall.
it could be that i have an incredibly dirty mouth.
it could be that i'm gay.
it could be that i post stories about my crazy adventures that usually involve copious amounts of booze and naked people.
it could be that you can find this blog by searching for "nursing home gloryhole".

i'm not sure what it was exactly, but it did make me truly aware of how small the world is and how careful i need to be about what parts of myself i'm putting out there for everyone to see.

i had never wanted this site to become all about brett.
i had always wanted it to be about things. not about my day. not about my work. not about me. but about the world.
somehow, it devolved into a diary of sorts... a running commentary or narration on my life.

with any luck, in the coming days/weeks/months, i can work to change this and get back on message, back on center, back where i wanted to be.

but do not fret, fair reader, brett will not change.
he will still be irreverent and irreplaceable. he will still be self-effacing and self-righteous. he will still be tongue-in-cheek and tongue-between-your-cheeks. he will still drink a lot. and if you're lucky, you'll be on the stool next to him.

and apparently, he will still speak in the third person for emphasis.

sweet jesus, i'm a tool.


At 8:02 AM, November 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they read all about you and decided you were not right for their company perhaps it is for the best. Don't hide your self, Brett...shine.


At 8:24 AM, November 14, 2005, Blogger MatthewD said...

how did they find your blog?

At 9:53 AM, November 14, 2005, Blogger Matt S. said...

That is some crazy shit, I am sorry to hear that man.

So what did they say? "We found your blogspot, and we don't think you're the right fit for us because you're a foul mouthed, beer swilling homo?" I am so confused how did they even find it?

At 12:16 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger brett said...

i'm not entirely sure how they found the site... though i have a few inklings.

i'd bet money it involved google somehow... those people will certainly rule the world someday.

At 1:16 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger MatthewD said...

that's so weird, you don't publish your last name or anything - i don't understand how they could google you

fuckin' internet!


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