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Friday, May 27, 2005

"it's definitely one of the better things you can wipe off your ass... especially in front of someone else."

i seem to be rebounding quite nicely. spoons and i are in negotiation to be "friends". i think things will work out there.

the date with... fuck, now, i have to think of another god-damned nickname... let's call him buckets. so the date with buckets went well. he was charming, funny, and intelligent. yes, intelligence is definitely one thing this boy has going for him. he went to harvard. now, he's in the mba program at northwestern. he already has a pretty kick-ass job waiting for him in september. i was intimidated at first, but then i had a few dollar drinks. when i'm drunk, i'm a genius, or at least, i think i am. he must have seen something he likes because we're in the works for some repeat action.

i wasted all day, today, at work moving all my old posts from xanga to here, and then what happens... it fucks up the timestamps. that's gonna bother me to no end. otherwise, i kinda like it here. the posting interface is a little more user-friendly, and the comments system is less exclusive. i do not enjoy having to use html to make links, but it's certainly roomier and brighter here.

good lord, the posts have kinda sucked lately... i apologize. i'll get to working on that pronto.

i.f.o.t.d. - i hate those sections of sidewalk that are just grates over some seemingly-bottomless pit. i just know i'm going to fall into one someday.


At 5:52 PM, May 28, 2005, Blogger No Milk Please said...

welcome to blogger. now the bad news: sometimes blogger times out when you are composing. so make sure you copy the text somewhere first before you hit the post button. i've lost a few posts that way when blogger is slow and was unable to save my post.

At 4:45 PM, May 31, 2005, Blogger brett said...

your projects, eh?

sounds kinky.

At 1:49 PM, June 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i might be misinterpreting your post...but please tell me you didnt go on a first date at what the fuck wednesday?!

romantical that is not.

At 3:22 PM, June 01, 2005, Blogger brett said...

well, for starters, i'm not sure where what the fuck wednesday is, but regardless, we didn't start at the dollar drink night; we just ended up there.

besides, chemistry like ours doesn't require traditional romance, and it was a nice change from your typical dinner date.

...and when you're a lush, there's nothing more romantic than cheap drinks with a full-on hottie you hope to be having the sex with.

why am i even justifying this?

it happened, it worked, end of story.


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