were you doing acid last night in our apartment when you took this picture? it is so very "hunter s. thompson". i like the hair-and i have to look at your a$$ everyday so i say keep it.
-in a world full of boys in dark-rimmed glasses, i'm the one you'll remember
-i like beer
-sports don't scare me
-i can't win a boardgame to save my life
-i make lots of wonderful facial expressions
-i tend to flail
-dads like me; moms love me
-i'm great with names and faces
-four little words: "best wedding date ever"
the bad stuff:
-i have problems acting my age... you'd think i'm 29 not 24
-you better like the word "seriously"
-my friends are some tough competition
-i'm a mama's boy
-my impressions are horrible at best
-i tend to flail
-balancing my checkbook is a lost art, but i totally get physics
Way to steal the spotlight at the funeral. It looks grrrrrrreat!
were you doing acid last night in our apartment when you took this picture? it is so very "hunter s. thompson". i like the hair-and i have to look at your a$$ everyday so i say keep it.
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