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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

do you think that the people who make spam (the delicious faux-meat product) are pissed that their name is associated with emails that flood your inbox, asking if you're afraid to visit swimming pools because of your small penis?

while i'm certainly afraid of visiting swimming pools, it has nothing to do with my small penis. it has more to do with kids dropping kids off at the pool in the pool. let's not forget i worked at a public pool for a few summers. you only need to see one digested snickers bar floating in the baby pool to really turn you away from the whole swimming pool thing.

but i digress...

i mean, come on, evil-doers. you couldn't come up with a better way to get "small penis" into the subject line? who is in charge of your marketing? they suck. wait... are you hiring? i think i could bring a lot to this sort of position. i'm very good at garnering attention in very few words. oh, and i'm sneaky. sleuthy, too.

might i suggest...

"your dick is small. take this pill."
"tiny pecker no more"
"if you've been asked, "is that a penis or a clitoris?" then you probably could use our help."
"free boobies! just kidding, you have a tiny, wittle weenie."
"re: your subscription to no sex"
"sienna miller and other chicks who dig wee men"
"all you want for christmas is your two more inches."
"we're all laughing at your pee-pee."

clearly this is a natural talent. better snatch it up while you still can.

i love that i worked the word snatch into a post full of small dicks.


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