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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

this is something i don't normally do.

(and, no, i'm not talking about posting on a regular basis, you jackass)

no, it is not in my usual nature to do such a thing.

yes, it is so very unlike me.

i am going to recommend some tunes to ch'all.

*shock* *awe*

so the album i think all y'all need to be listening to is:


11:11 by maria taylor

while it was released in may 2005, i only recently uncovered this gem. maria used to be a part of azure ray, so if you're a fan of theirs then you simply must run on over to your music outlet of choice and pick up 11:11. the album is tight and well-produced. maria's voice lilts and floats from one song to the next... never strained, never trying too hard, always exactly where it needs to be. the lyrics are heady but light, telling stories that never present themselves in any immediate fashion.

songs of note (though all 10 are lovely and wonderful):
two of those too
one for the shareholder
xanax (hellooooo, a song called xanax... what's not to love?)

it is all what my mother would call "college music", and yes, my mother does steal vocabulary from beavis & butthead. however, mopey-mellowness aside, it is a wonderful album.

check it out!


At 1:12 PM, October 25, 2006, Blogger GayProf said...

If there is an ode to xanax, I am so there.

At 10:06 PM, February 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day! 

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here is the story of my dog called Shandy.
He was my favourite pet and he was very lively, lots of fun and very obedient. His main
passion in life was to be taken for a long walk, culminating with a big run out in his favourite
park. I would try to take him on this walk everyday, weather permitting. The park itself
was about three miles away from our house. What do you think?

By the way, I love that too!  Where did you get that at?  

See you soon! WonderGirl 

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At 2:24 PM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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