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Friday, December 30, 2005

if you know me, you know i love me some lindsay morgan lohan.

i just can't get enough of her.

...but can we talk?

now, you may have heard about la lohan's
monster forehead, and we all know the girl had some issues with her weight... but... um... what's up with her belly button?

today, a bunch of pics of lilo at the beach hit the internets, and her button looks really high. like reeeeally high. like running away from her choonie high.


(sorry for writing on your tums and nana, dina... all my love)

seriously, what is up? shouldn't your navel be closer to your crotch than your nips? where are her abdominal muscles? that button is seriously in the upper quadrant of her midsection.

it's creeeeeeeeeepy.

love the scarf, though. great suit, too. oh, and the glasses are hot.

so is the boob slippage.


call me.


At 3:08 PM, December 30, 2005, Blogger Matt S. said...

shit, now everytime I look at her I am going to be focused on her creepy ass belly button. Thanks for ruining her for me Brett!

Have a great (and safe) New Year's weekend!


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