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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

unsure. my anti-perspirant seems to work fine on everything but the small stuff.

though i know i'm not supposed to and even really try not to, i'm obsessed with the little things. i say obsessed because really i don't sweat. even when it's like 90+ degrees outside, my brow is dry. i'll run a couple miles, and certainly be out of breath, but i won't perspire a drop. put me in a sauna, and it's really just a small, warm room with nothing to do... well, at most gyms. i just don't produce h2o through my skin. maybe that's why i pee so much. man, i even need to pee right now.

anyhow, to get back to what i was writing about, i spend too much time fretting the insignificant. i attribute so much meaning to even the slightest of nothings. maybe i'm just an over-thinker. i do remember taking stadardized tests and totally obsessing over certain questions where the answer seemed too easy. nothing should ever be that easy, and anything that is becomes highly suspect. i can think and rethink something for hours. my roommate often finds me standing in our living room, staring at the wall for minutes on end pondering something. honestly, about 85% of my day is spent on the little things, but really, don't the little things eventually all add up to one big thing - mostly, my life.

certainly, i could spend my days really thinking and worrying about the meaning of life, the origins of life, or any of the other "big" things, but where's the fun in that? i mean, i'm certainly not going to figure them out; c'mon, i'm bright, but not fucking solar. to me, it makes much more sense to obsess over what i'm going to wear to work tomorrow or where my keys went or why someone didn't call because these are questions i can answer... well, in most cases. the small stuff is small for a reason because even though it makes us sweat (well, most of us), we can handle it.

i'll leave the big stuff to bill gates and stephen hawking, who i think look strangely alike. maybe it's a smart thing.

...and needless to say, he's written back, and a second is in the works, though i'll admit i was not-sweating it there for awhile...

i.f.o.t.d. - everyday when i go fetch some yogurt from the market near my office, both coming and going, i have to cross an alley's access to orleans. each time everyday, i gingerly peak around the corner before crossing, as i am deeply fearful that i'll get mowed down by some motorist who failed to sound his horn.


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