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Thursday, January 05, 2006

i've had some heavy stuff going on in my personal life lately, so forgive the infrequency of posts...

regardless, before we get too far into this new year, some resolutions:

1. get a job i don't hate; get the job i want

2. write one letter or send one card every month; no, sending 12 holiday cards in december does not count

3. make my finances the priority they should be; no mo' po' bro

4. find a good circle of friends, a la minnie driver and chris o'donnell; reclaim a social life

5. go to the gym; tits and ass await

6. assess my relationships; cut the fat and keep the lean

7. set aside time to really write; blogging on a saturday, shut the fuck up!

8. have passion again; not missing an episode of project runway doesn't really suffice

9. do well on the l.s.a.t.; watch out, northwestern, here i come

10. maintain my environment; a clean room is a happy room

11. travel more; adventure is out there somewhere... so is a husband who can get you eu citizenship

12. let myself see the beauty in the everyday and the excitement in the ordinary; lose the cynicism, biznatch.

on a sidenote, i'm sad to see matt d and jason leaving the blogosphere, but i understand you both have your reasons. good luck and stuff. x's and o's to you both.


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