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Friday, June 23, 2006

if you are out and about in boystown this weekend, celebrating pee-ride, you will see me... and if you're lucky, i'll see you, too.

you might be wondering how i can be so sure. i mean, yes, the odds are with me, but one never knows.

perhaps i am riding on a float. nah.

maybe i'm in a band that is performing on one of the stages. nope.

possibly i'm working at one of the more popular booths like the hrc or the center on halsted. no.

then how. how is it that you will certainly see me should you walk the streets with your gay little chin held high?

i'm going to be that crazed, drunken fool yelling at you from my balcony above a parking lot and throwing beads at your head!

i might also be that silly, debaucherous lad doing keg stands on a second-floor balcony and dancing to the free tunes pumping from whatever band is performing at the 7-11.

this is how i know. because like the eye of sauron atop the dark tower, i see all of pride from my so-very-fucking-fabulous perch and all of pride shall see me!

be prepared to spot and be spotted.


At 5:29 PM, June 23, 2006, Blogger GayProf said...

Sadly, I won't be in Chicago to witness you raining down beads of doom. I wish that I would be, though.

At 4:54 PM, June 26, 2006, Blogger MollyMaureen said...

yowza you are a geek!

and really...unless you were the naked girl peeing in behind the dumpster for all to didn't really yell at many people! :0) sans the occasional "show us your tits" but that is really a normal day in the life of brett-heehee

At 11:03 PM, June 26, 2006, Blogger PJS said...

You're one of those people we're always looking up at, from the teeming, festering crowd below, wondering "how do I get to know somebody who lives on the parade route?"

I resent you deeply.

Can I come next year?

At 11:54 PM, June 28, 2006, Blogger Rick Aiello said...

So did you see me?

I didn't see you. :(


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