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Monday, June 19, 2006

oh, the places you'll go... the midwest and northeast, apparently.

i guess i need to feel the influence of manifest destiny and head my ass west.

create your own visited states map

p.s. i am def not a fan that all those states are red. wtf, web application. wtf, indeed.
p.p.s. it has since come to my attention that i have, in fact, been to nebraska, arkansas, connecticut, and rhode island.


At 2:20 PM, June 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana awaits, Brett. This is the perfect time of year. Galcier National Park.

At 2:50 PM, June 19, 2006, Blogger Matt S. said...

Apparently I have something against the Northwest. That's right Washington, screw you!

At 8:09 PM, June 19, 2006, Blogger PJS said...

I highly recommend the land of my birth, Arizona. In fact, I'm going back there Wednesday. Meet me at the Grand Canyon with a bottle of gin!

At 11:06 AM, June 20, 2006, Blogger brett said...

anon (cf?) - honestly, i am intrigued by places like montana. so much open space and so few people. it baffles me. i also suspect that it's nothing like what i picture it to be in my head. that or exactly like i picture it.

pjs - i will actually be going to arizona in august for a wedding. the gin shouldn't be a problem, as i'm usually packing. can we rent burros?

bets & lins - i am totally down for a debaucherous adventure into the wild, wild west... whether it be vegas, boise, or salt lake city. c'mon, you know those mormons drop it like it's hot.

At 5:46 PM, June 20, 2006, Blogger PJS said...

I'm not sure how one goes about burro rental, but there are burritos EVERYWHERE.


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