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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

i'm in a weird place.

so much so that i have a really difficult time trying to describe it in words.

in the last few weeks, i have become terribly, almost painfully, aware of my life. i say that and don't even completely understand what it means... but it's the best description i can muster.

even chocolate has a bitterness to it.

i do not mean i am aware of my daily decisions or mistakes or regrets. it is not that all the inadequacies of my day-to-day have become glaringly obvious. this is not some self-pitying display of my shortcomings or the ways in which i could condemn myself for being a bad person.

none of this. it is not sad. it is not these things.

it's the grand scheme. the patterns. the missing love. the breathing in and out. the way i am. the way it is.

all of this.

i am in a personal dilemma - a dizzying spot of confusion and epiphany - and i am calm.


At 6:49 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger PJS said...

i hear this loud and clear.

the cool thing is it keeps happening, even as you get older.


At 1:16 PM, July 12, 2006, Blogger Matt S. said...

Every time I start to become aware of my myslef and my surrounding, I just have a few more drinks. I find that solves the problems nicely.

At 1:28 PM, July 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This makes perfect sense to me. It's nice to see you flashing your human side.

At 9:33 PM, July 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely get what you are saying. It is disconcerting, but also really refreshing. Don't try to analyze it... just go with it!

At 1:05 AM, July 13, 2006, Blogger GayProf said...

They say a change is as good as a rest.

In the meantime, are you drinking enough, son?

At 2:14 AM, July 13, 2006, Blogger potusol said...

Well at least you're calm : )

At 8:36 AM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that denial is a GREAT tool for the continued goal of not dealing with my problems.
As so many people have said, drinking helps. So do one-night stands.

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