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Friday, August 04, 2006

thank you,

who needs porn when there are things like
this in the world?

seriously. a list. of the 25 hottest. brazilian! men!!!111

it has everything i need: a list, 25 things, hot hot hot brazilianos.

i plan to rub jerk work something my way down to #1 (uber hottie
reynaldo gianecchini).

you know where i'll be for the next 25 days.

mmmmhm, you heard me.


At 11:53 AM, August 04, 2006, Blogger Noah said...

did pele make the list?

At 1:04 PM, August 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pele did not make the list. The list comprises mostly actors who have been in a soap opera recently -- in the list we get faces that are still fresh on the minds of Brazilians ;-)

At 8:05 AM, August 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord. What's in the water in Brazil?!?!

At 7:16 PM, August 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brett, just so you know--when I first looked at your blog, I thought all the guys in the left column were you in some kind of miraculous Cindy Sherman-esque photo essay way. I can't really get a read on you from your picture, so please know that I will always see you as these deliriously cool dudes on the left!


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