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Sunday, April 25, 2004

1. i shouldn't be allowed near a computer with access to the internet at 4 a.m.

2. while my own love life is floundering (still), i am apparently quite adept at spewing relationship advice to others. note to self: start disgustingly successful sex and relationship advice column a la carrie bradshaw - be s.a.t.c. meets q.e.4.s.g.

molly's p.s. - clearly, last night was not the best of times for me. while overall the evening was fine, little moments were incredibly ew worthy. i pose a question: why would someone take the time to find me (inevitably it was done on friendster) and then contact me, only to never initiate another conversation ever? somehow, i got stuck doing all the legwork of conversation only to see said pseudo-admirer run into the arms of another last night. the other being a notorious shade ball, no less. what the fuck is up with people?


At 12:54 AM, November 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Respect Privacy : When two people come together in a relationship, each person has their own set of history.


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